Lisa Minkmar

From seed patents to the marketing of brother animals - Lisa, a trained wholesale merchant and law graduate, is our expert for the brother animals calf and rooster. She is also the contact person for ÖTZ employees and is responsible for internal project controlling.
Lisa Minkmar
From seed patents to the marketing of brother animals - Lisa, a trained wholesale merchant and law graduate, is our expert for the brother animals calf and rooster. She is also the contact person for ÖTZ employees and is responsible for internal project controlling.

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Further ÖTZ BLOG articles

Tag des Zweinutzungshuhns 2024

Eggs and meat belong together!

Dialogue on the day of the dual-purpose chicken makes it clear: dual-purpose chicken needs binding commitments along the value chain

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Zweinutzungshahn, zubereitungsfertig.


Not ‘either/or’, but ‘and’ - Dual-purpose chicken provide both flavoursome meat and tasty eggs, according to a study involving the University of Hohenheim.

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