Classic dual-purpose breeds


Foto: Eva Wolf | Demeter 

ÖTZ Cream are classic Dual-purpose chicken. They are the result of crosses between the two breeds Bresse Gauloise and White Rock. ÖTZ Cream cocks and hens have white plumage and colorful feet. The colors of the feet range from cream and beige to the blue-grey feet typical of Bresse Gauloises.

At a glance

General information

Utility crossing

White Rock x Bresse Gauloise

Bresse Gauloise x White Rock

White with colorful feet

Hatching eggs and chicks all year round | pullets on pro order 


Certified in accordance with the EU Animal Health RegulationBmTierSSchV) and therefore approved for trade in EU-certified hatcheries and abroad.

Cock and hen belong together

Performance DATA

Cream Hens

ÖTZ Cream Zweinutzungshühner
Foto: Eva Wolf | Demeter

Optimale Legeleistung
in 52 Wochen
250 Eier
Shell colourlight brown/beige
Target weight at the start of laying period2.0 kg
Ende der 1. Legeperiode
Living weight 2.4 - 2.8 kg
Slaughter weight 1.3 - 1.6 kg
Ø Futterverbrauch
1. Legeperiode
135 - 145 g / animal and day


ÖTZ Cream are compatible with each other in both small and large herds. Also noteworthy is their intensive use of the outdoor run and their readiness to consume crude fiber. When keeping ÖTZ Cream hens, special attention should be paid to rounding off the corners of the shed, as they can tend to pulk in rare and particularly stressful situations.

Cream Cocks

ÖTZ Cream Zweinutzungshahn
Foto: Eva Wolf | Demeter

bis Tag 98 (Ende 14. LW)
bis Tag 112 (Ende 16. LW)
Lebendgewicht der Hähne*2.3 kg 2.6 kg
Cannibalization rate*68 %70 %
Ø Increase*23,0 g23,0 g
Ø Futterverwertung*3,63,7
*with the following feeding:
LW 1-6: Energie 11,1 MJ/kg, XP: 18,2 %, Methionin: 0,38 %
LW 7-16: Energie 10,9 MJ/kg, XP: 16,4 %, Methionin: 0,32 %


Zweinutzungshähne sind deutlich bewegungsfreudiger als herkömmliche Masthähne. 


The housing set-up should take into account the animals' willingness to move in order to prevent the occurrence of breast blisters and other injuries. Straw bales and raised levels are suitable for structuring the hutch, but also provide good resting areas for lower-ranking animals. From the 10th week of life, apart from daylight, additional light in the house is superfluous and should be switched off in favor of the calmer animals.