Classic dual-purpose breeds


Bildnachweis: Demeter Felderzeugnisse GmbH | Foto: YOOL 

ÖTZ Coffee are classic Dual-purpose chickenwhich result from a cross between the two breeds Bresse Gauloise and New Hampshire. This mating results in a colorful herd with brown, white and partially black patterned animals.

At a glance

General information

Utility crossing

New Hampshire x Bresse Gauloise

Bresse Gauloise x New Hampshire

Brown, white, black-patterned

Hatching eggs and chicks all year round | pullets on pro order 

In our experience, the coffees can be divided into four groups after hatching: brown, white schwarze und multicoloured chicks


Certified in accordance with the EU Animal Health RegulationBmTierSSchV) and therefore approved for trade in EU-certified hatcheries and abroad.

Cock and hen belong together

Performance DATA

Coffee hens

ÖTZ Coffee Hennen
Foto: Eva Wolf | Demeter

Optimale Leigeleistung
in 52 Wochen
250 Eier
Shell colourlight brown/beige
Target weight at the start of laying period2.0 kg
Ende der 1. Legeperiode
Living weight 2.6 - 2.8 kg
Carcass weight 1.5 - 1.7 kg
Ø Futterverbrauch
1. Legeperiode
135 - 145 g / animal and day


ÖTZ Coffee are well compatible with each other in both small and large herds. Also noteworthy is their intensive use of the outdoors and their readiness to consume crude fiber. Particular attention should be paid to hens with black plumage when observing the animals, as there is a risk that they may become “ bullying victims” in larger flocks.


Rapeseed in the ration can lead to fishy-smelling eggs. This must also be taken into account when the mobile barn moves over the intercrops like rapeseed or other cruciferous plants. Mehr Informationen

Coffee cocks

ÖTZ Coffee-Hahn
Foto: Eva Wolf | Demeter

bis Tag 98 (Ende 14. LW)
bis Tag 112 (Ende 16. LW)
Lebendgewicht der Hähne*2.3 kg 2,7 kg
Cannibalization rate*65 %70 %
Ø Increase*23,0 g23,5 g
Ø Futterverwertung*3,74,0
*with the following feeding:
LW 1-6: Energie 10,9 MJ/kg, XP: 17,5 %, Methionin: 0,31 %
LW 7-16: Energie 10,8 MJ/kg, XP: 16,7 %, Methionin: 0,28 %


Zweinutzungshähne sind deutlich bewegungsfreudiger als herkömmliche Masthähne.


Die Bewegungsfreudigkeit der Tiere sollte bei der Aufstallungseinrichtung berücksichtigt werden, um dem Auftreten von Brustblasen und anderen Verletzungen vorzubeugen. Strohballen und erhöhte Ebenen eignen sich um den Stall zu strukturieren, bieten aber auch gute Ruhezonen für rangniedere Tiere. Ab der 10. Lebendwoche ist, abgesehen vom Tageslicht, zusätzliches Licht im Stall überflüssig und sollte zugunsten der ruhigeren Tiere auch ausgeschaltet bleiben.

Colour sexing

Determining the sex of day-old chicks according to the colour

In our experience, the Coffee (a cross between a New Hampshire cockerel and a Bresse Gauloise hen) can be divided into four groups after hatching:

white, brown, schwarze und multicoloured chicks

Photo: Inga Günther


•        85% der weißen Tiere männlich

•        15% der weißen Küken weiblich

Braune Küken ÖTZ Coffee
Photo: Inga Günther


- 99% of brown animals female - 1% of brown animals male 
Schwarze Küken ÖTZ Coffee
Photo: Inga Günther


With multicoloured chicks, a more precise classification is not yet possible
Bunte Küken ÖTZ Coffee 2
Photo: Inga Günther


Bei bunten Küken ist noch keine genauere Zuordnung möglich


Kreuzblütler in der Fütterung vermeiden

Cruciferous plants (such as rape seed) in the feed can lead to fishy-smelling eggs in ÖTZ Coffee hens. This also applies if the mobile barn moves over a catch crop with cruciferous plants.


Special knowledge fishy smelling eggs: During the digestion of cruciferous plants, the eggs of brown lays may have a fishy odor. This is caused by metabolic products that are stored in the egg. Trimethylamine (TMA) can enter the hen's body via the animal's metabolism, which produces TMA itself, or via molecules from which TMA can be formed. TMA is transported via the bloodstream to the liver, where an enzyme is responsible for the oxidation of TMA. The activity of this enzyme is inhibited in ÖTZ Coffee hens by various substances found in cruciferous vegetables, thus contributing to odor development.