Conservation breeding


Foto: Burkhardt Ernst | Gut Giesenhagen

Die ÖTZ Caramel geht aus der Kreuzung von Deutschem Lachshahn und White Rock-Henne hervor. Im Gegensatz zu Coffee und Cream wird hier nur die Mutterhenne von der ÖTZ züchterisch betreut. Die Lachshühner stammen von unserem Kooperationspartner Wendlandgeflügel.

The ÖTZ Caramel has white feet and beige-brown flowered plumage in a variety of colors. Occasionally feathers and up to five toes appear on the feet. The beard also gives the animals a special appearance.

At a glance

General information

Conservation breeding Deutscher Lachshahn x White Rock Henne

beige-brown flowered in a varied pattern and white legs

Hatching eggs and Chicks ganzjährig | Junghennen auf pro order 


For this reason, the animals can only be purchased in small numbers as hatching eggs or as chicks from ÖTZ partner hatcheries.

The ÖTZ Caramel dual-purpose chicken cross contributes to the preservation of this endangered old breed as a commercial chicken by using the “Deutsches Lachshuhn” breed (GEH listed in the category “Observation”). With their beard and light feathered feet, the ÖTZ Caramel are also visually a special feature with a unique selling point.

Cock and hen belong together

Performance DATA

Caramel Hens

ÖTZ Caramel Henne
Foto. Sebastian Seelig | Wendland Geflügel

Optimale Legeleistung
in 52 Wochen
200 – 230 Eier
Shell colourcream
Target weight at the start of laying period2,1 – 2,3 kg
Ende 1. Legeperiode
Living weight 2.7 kg
Slaughter weight 1.5 kg
Ø Futterverbrauch
1. Legeperiode
130 - 135 g / animal & day


ÖTZ Caramel are calm, sociable chickens. They are curious and make good use of the outrun. The animals can also be kept in mixed flocks with other breeds without any problems.

Caramel Cocks

ÖTZ Caramel Hahn
Foto. Sebastian Seelig | Wendland Geflügel

ParametersLeistung bis Tag 98 (Ende 14. LW) Leistung bis Tag 112 (Ende 16. LW)
Lebendgewicht*2.0 kg2,4 kg
Cannibalization rate*66 %68%
Ø Increase*20 g21 g
Ø Futterverwertung*3,83,9
*with the following feeding:
LW 1-6: Energie 11,1 MJ/kg, XP: 18,2 %, Methionin: 0,38 %
LW 7-16: Energie 10,9 MJ/kg, XP: 16,4 %, Methionin: 0,32 %


ÖTZ Caramel cockerels are particularly peaceful. Rank fights rarely occur until the 18th week of life.