Research and practice


Züchtung ist ein nie endender, fortlaufender Prozess und mit jeder Generation tauchen neue Herausforderungen und Fragestellungen auf. Die Suche nach den Antworten gelingt am Besten durch eine ständige Vernetzung und den Austausch mit Forschungsinstituten, Universitäten, Beratungsorganisationen und den landwirtschaftlichen Praktikern – national wie international.

Ohne die Kooperation mit einer großen Zahl engagierter Forschenden und die finanzielle Unterstützung durch den Bund (Bundesprogramm Ökolandbau), die Bundesländer und private Stiftungen wäre unsere Arbeit in dieser Form nicht möglich – damals wie heute.


Ongoing projects

Wertes Brutei

2023 - 2026


2023 - 2027

Dual-purpose chicken in organic agriculture


Dual-purpose chicken in organic agriculture - Breeding and potential identification of suitable origins and implementation in practice.


Since 2017, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food has been promoting the development of organic poultry breeding programme in Germany as part of the Federal Organic Agriculture Program.

The far-reaching problems of one-sided conventional basic breeding have been recognized and the dual-purpose approach of chickens in organic farming has been intensively promoted. In the two projects ÖkoHuhn (2017-2019) and Öko2Huhn (2020-2026), the diverse production structures and demands of the industry are reflected in the development of various cross breedings of dual-purpose chicken In the project networks, we look at the different approaches with pure breed chickens, crossbreeds and hybrids.


In the ongoing Öko2Huhn project, we are working on various issues relating to our breeding program and the purebred lines Bresse Gauloise, New Hampshire and White Rock. The breeding site in Goch has also been continuously developed in the projects.


In other parts of the project, the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde is conducting origin comparisons on farms nationwide and trials to optimize the management of dual-purpose chickens. Recurring problems and the effectiveness of measures are being investigated.


Another part of the project of the University of Hohenheim and the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences deals with the development of a vital breeding population of Sundheim chickens for organic farming and the transfer into practice. A mobile barn for performance testing and mating chickens under organic conditions was developed to strengthen farm breeding structures. In the six separate compartments with their own exercise areas, the laying performance can now be recorded for each individual animal.


Contact for this project:
Elias Schmelzer |

ÖTZ-Coffee Küken
Foto: Pauline Seyler

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the Federal Program for Organic Agriculture.

Photo: Eva Wolf

Dieses Projekt wurde durch das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft im Rahmen des Bundesprogrammes Ökologischer Landbau gefördert.

Supply chain cock meat


Why is/was the WerterHahn project important? 
In principle, the organic chicken market focuses heavily on egg production, i.e. laying hens, while poultry meat, especially that from the brothers of layer hens and dual-purpose cocks, has difficulty finding its way onto the market. One of the main reasons for this is the fattening performance of these roosters, which is considerably lower than that of specialized fattening lines, as well as the special meat quality of these roosters. The WerterHahn project was therefore launched in 2022 with the aim of developing a nationwide but regionally structured value chain for these organically produced brother and dual-purpose cockerels. By networking breeding, agriculture, processing, trade and gastronomy, existing structures were to be expanded and new marketing channels established. This networking should be based on a digital platform where supply and demand meet.


What were the specific measures in the project? 

Gemeinsam mit der Brudertier Initiative Deutschland e.V. und der Bauckhof GmbH wurde 2021 eine Koordinationsstelle WerterHahn geschaffen. Angesiedelt ist und geführt wird diese Stelle von der ÖTZ. Maria Herrmann und Joachim Jeske arbeiten seitdem als Wertschöpfungskettenmanager in dem Projekt daran, die Akteure entlang verschiedener Lieferketten zu vernetzen. Eine der ersten Maßnahmen war eine Status-Quo-Ermittlung unter Landwirtschafts- und Verarbeitungsbetrieben. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass ca. 80% der Betriebe ihren Vertrieb stark auf die Direktvermarktung ab Hof ausgerichtet haben. Dies gilt sowohl für das Hahnenfleisch als auch die Eier. Um aus dieser Erkenntnis die Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten der einzelnen Betriebe zu erweitern, wurde im nächsten Schritt die Kooperation mit dem Betreiber eines Portals als digitalen Hofladen, in einem Testlauf, erprobt. Unsere bisherigen Erfahrungen in diesem Test verdeutlichen, wie wichtig und herausfordernd die tägliche Pflege von Daten in einem solchen System ist. Nur wenn dies auf den einzelnen Betrieben im Tagesgeschäft gelingt, können auch stabile und langfristig funktionierende Vermarktungsstrukturen entstehen. 

Activities have been expanded to include other players in the marketing chain. These included the ÖTZ Expert Forum, trade training courses in cooperation with the Natural Food Education Network (Binako) and at wholesale and organic trade fairs. Individual information and training offers were created.


What are the findings from the work so far? 
The biggest challenge remains to create a continuous sales market. Here we are dependent on the will and support of all players along the value chain. The regional and local infrastructure for processing and marketing cock meat, which varies greatly in some cases, as well as the severe pressure on market prices, show that a digital platform, as originally planned, cannot close the gaps.  
Auch wenn einzelne Teilprojekte – z.B. die Beimischung von Bruder- und ÖTZ-Hahnenfleisch in Bio-Nuggets ab 2026 – aus dem WertenHahn-Projekt hervorgegangen sind, bleiben die Herausforderungen für die Zukunft groß.


What do we need to do next? 
Das Projekt endet zum 31.12.2024, da die Förderung ausläuft. For the ÖTZ, our partners and sponsors, however, it remains a matter of concern to lead the Bruderhahn out of its thankless role in the production of poultry meat. Even though ÖTZ's breeding work is not aimed at breeding “broiler chickens” for the mass market, we will continue to work on offering the market a balanced rooster. The aim remains animal welfare, sustainable ecological circular economy, and a tasty product.    


Contact person for this project: Joachim Jeske

Hatching eggs from organic breeding

Wertes Brutei

A project that aims to establish and coordinate regional marketing cooperations and international marketing chains for hatching eggs, day-old chicks and pullets from organic breeding.


Im Rahmen des dreijährigen Projekts, welches im September 2023 gestartet ist, will die ÖTZ in Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Partner-Brütereien Konzepte entwickeln, um den Absatz von Bruteiern, Eintagsküken und Junghennen zu stärken. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Stärkung regionaler Vertriebswege, aber auch nationale und internationale Lieferketten sollen unterstützt und weiterentwickelt werden. 


One of the project objectives is to establish a joint marketing platform that provides a regional, flexible, administratively low-threshold and efficient procurement of ÖTZ young animals and, if farmers are interested, enables an optional interface to other ÖTZ services such as advice, consumer information and marketing support. Another goal is to further develop the ordering and delivery management system in order to increase the predictability for the farms and to implement a quality management system to further develop the quality of the animals delivered (weight, uniformity and health status). An additional focus is on customer management. The aim is to continuously increase customer satisfaction and to analyze and eliminate current reasons for complaints.


In cooperation with the regional partner hatcheries, at least 200,000 ÖTZ eggs per year should be hatched and distributed regionally by the end of the project if all aspects of the project are successfully implemented. A similar figure is expected for national, centralized distribution via the Hockenberger hatchery, one of the cooperation partners.


The project is being carried out as part of funding for organic value chains under the Federal Program for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture (BÖLN).


For more information and if you have any questions, please contact us:

Photo: Wolfgang Schmidt

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the Federal Program for Organic Agriculture.

Hühner fressen Flowfeedchickins
Foto: Christoph Beetz

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the Federal Program for Organic Agriculture.

Alternative protein sources for practical use


Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH (ÖTZ) is part of the consortium which, in the project “sLowFeedChickIns - Optimized nutrient supply of dual-purpose chickens - Adapted rations, alternative protein sources, effects and adaptation options”, aims to show new ways of optimizing the rearing of dual-purpose chickens with regard to regional raw material procurement, reduced competition with human nutrition and the origin of protein components.



The project is funded as part of the “Announcement on the funding of research and development projects to secure sustainable nutrition for farm animals under changing climatic conditions” of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and will run for four years. It is being carried out in cooperation with the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation (Institute of Animal Nutrition), the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Department of Organic Animal Husbandry), the Thünen Institute (Institute of Organic Farming), the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy and Bioland Beratung, which is coordinating the project together with ÖTZ. The basic assumption of the project is that


The basic assumption and working hypothesis of the project is, that Dual-purpose chicken show a higher tolerance with regard to feed components and nutrient density and will show a higher overall resilience to climate change and the associated temperature changes due to their lower metabolic activity.

The aim is to investigate the extent to which the protein density currently recommended in organic farming can be gradually reduced and, in a second step, to what extent emission-sensitive protein components such as soy or sunflower press cake can be replaced by various insects and macroalgae, while at the same time optimizing the protein matrix for poultry feed.


The experiments are carried out in small groups as part of selective experiments and subsequently in practice-relevant flock sizes, both in relation to laying hens and fattening animals.


In addition, various tests are being carried out to shed light on the feed safety of the components used and to demonstrate the climate-neutral potential of producing the alternative protein sources.


The project and the project results focus strongly on feasibility in current agricultural practice and the project team is therefore in close contact with feed mills, farms and manufacturers of feed components on an ongoing basis. The bottom line is to develop feed mixtures that guarantee an optimal nutrient supply with maximum use of regional components and, due to the high use of material by-products, represent as little competition as possible with human nutrition.



Contact For further information, please contact Inga Günther (project leadership):

Of course cows have horns


Securing horn-bearing cattle breeding, cow family breeding and old breeds 

A new project on organic cattle breeding funded by the Software AG Foundation began on February 1, 2024. In addition to Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH, Demeter Beratung e.V., the Demeter Landesverband Bayern, the Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und bedrohter Haustierrassen (GEH) and Demeter im Norden are involved in the project. For a period of 5 years, this project will make it possible for the first time to firmly integrate specific content on cattle breeding into the advisory activities of the participating project partners.


Securing horned cattle breeding 

The key to securing the breeding of horned cattle is the activation and networking of farms with each other and the simultaneous support of farms in these activities through advice. The cross-association network of farms that actively breed cattle with horns, which was established in the course of previous projects, is to be further expanded. To this end, the existing website will be revised in the near future and the farm database and presentation located there will be given greater focus. Existing advisory services (e.g. the targeted bull recommendation lists of the ÖTZ, support in the management of horn-bearing herds) are to be expanded and further developed and closely coordinated with the content on cow family breeding.

Cow family breeding as a suitable breeding method is particularly interesting for farms that want to work with natural breeding. The project aims to get new farms interested in cow family breeding, provide advisory support and improve the networking of farms that already use the method.

In the coming years, the cooperation with GEH will be used to develop a targeted support for farms that work with old and endangered breedsshall be reached.

Zu Folgenden Inhalten können Projektbetriebe von uns unterstützt werden: Anpaarungsberatung, Zuchttierauswahl, Managementempfehlungen bei Herausforderungen in der Haltung horntragender Herden, Berechnung Inzuchtkoeffizienten, Triple-A.

In addition to targeted, farm-specific advice, we want to strengthen the networking of farms through events and the establishment of regional working groups.

Contact for this project: Mabelle Tacke I

Projekt Hornkuh
Photo: Carsten Scheper

This project is funded by Software AG Stiftung

We would like to say thank you!


BMEL Logo mit Förderzusatz

All the projects described here are and have been supported by the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture as part of the Federal Organic Farming Program.