Herman Lutke Schipholt is a Demeter farmer and is responsible for organizing the rearing of ÖTZ animals in Switzerland. In cooperation with Nina Griessmeyer's small-scale hatchery at Büelhof, chicks are hatched and reared on various farms in Switzerland.

RZÖko - New breeding value for German Holsteins
Neuer ökologische geprägter Gesamtzuchtwert für die Rinderasse Deutsche Holsteins: RZÖKORZÖko stands for Organic Relative Breeding Value in the Holstein-Schwarzbunt and Holstein-Rotbunt breeds. The RZÖko is an overall breeding value that weights the individual traits it contains (e.g. longevity or body condition) and trait complexes (e.g. the complex of health traits in the RZGesund) in the sense of an ecological breeding goal. It thus serves both breeding organizations and practical breeders as a direct selection tool for the systematic realization of an ecological breeding goal. It is comparable to the ÖZW in the Fleckvieh and Braunvieh breeds.