Resource-conserving feeding of dual-purpose chickens: research project examines alternative protein sources for practical use
Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH (ÖTZ) is part of the consortium which, in the project “sLowFeedChickIns - Optimized nutrient supply of dual-purpose chickens - Adapted rations, alternative protein sources, effects and adaptation options”, aims to show new ways of optimizing the rearing of dual-purpose chickens with regard to regional raw material procurement, reduced competition with human nutrition and the origin of protein components.
The project is funded as part of the “Announcement on the funding of research and development projects to secure sustainable nutrition for farm animals under changing climatic conditions” of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and will run for four years. It is being carried out in cooperation with the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation (Institute of Animal Nutrition), the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Department of Organic Animal Husbandry), the Thünen Institute (Institute of Organic Farming), the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy and Bioland Beratung, which is coordinating the project together with ÖTZ. The basic assumption of the project is that Dual-purpose chickenEine Gebrauchskreuzung bezeichnet in der Tierzucht die gezielte Kreuzung von Tieren zweier verschiedener Rassen oder Zuchtlinien, um die positiven Eigenschaften beider Elternteile in den Nachkommen zu vereinen. Das Ziel ist meist die Verbesserung von Merkmalen wie Gesundheit, Leistungsfähigkeit oder Anpassungsfähigkeit. Mehr show a higher tolerance with regard to feed components and nutrient density and will show a higher overall resilience to climate change and the associated temperature changes due to their lower metabolic activity. The aim is to investigate the extent to which the protein density currently recommended in organic farming can be gradually reduced and, in a second step, emission-sensitive protein components such as soy or sunflower press cake can be replaced by various insects and macroalgae, while at the same time optimizing the protein matrix for poultry feed. The trials are carried out in small groups as part of elective trials and subsequently in practice-relevant flock sizes, both in relation to laying hens and fattening animals. In addition, various trials will be carried out to shed light on the feed safety of the components used and to demonstrate the climate-neutral potential of producing alternative protein sources. The project and the project results focus strongly on feasibility in current agricultural practice and the project team is therefore in close contact with feed mills, farms and manufacturers of feed components on an ongoing basis. The bottom line is to develop feed mixtures that guarantee an optimal nutrient supply with maximum use of regional components and, due to the high use of material by-products, represent as little competition as possible with human nutrition.
For further information, please contact Inga Günther (project leadership):
The Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH is a non-profit organisation founded in March 2015 for independent, organic animal breeding. Its shareholders are the organic associations Bioland and Demeter. The most important goal of ÖTZ is to promote the breeding of dual-purpose animals that are adapted to organic farming and to support farms in the rearing and marketing of dual-purpose animals and their products. The ÖTZ sees itself as an alternative to corporate structures - breeding is carried out as a cooperative project with farmers
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Lisa Minkmar
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