A look behind the scenes

About us

Ökologische Tierzucht gGmbH (ÖTZ) combines expertise and commitment at several locations: our administration is based in Augsburg, another office is located in Überlingen on Lake Constance and the heart of our team - our breeding and parental herds - are based in North Rhine-Westphalia. We also cooperate with partners and stakeholders throughout Germany and Switzerland.

We drive organic animal breeding forward with passion and expertise. Our goal? Innovative and sustainable solutions that put animal welfare first and at the same time pave the way for sustainable, grandchild-friendly agriculture.

Together we are developing the future of livestock farming that brings animals, humans and the environment into harmony.

Firmly anchored and broadly rooted

Our structure at a glance

Who is on the team

Our core team

At ÖTZ, we are a colourful mix of different disciplines - from agricultural science, genetics and agriculture to organisation, marketing and administration. What unites us all at the lowest denominator is the vision of future-proof livestock farming that focusses on animal welfare and sustainability.

This is where the future lives

The breeding site

Our breeding stock lives in the municipality of Goch on the Lower Rhine, close to the border with the Netherlands. 

The former military site is home to large, high, self-supporting brick halls, which offer plenty of space for flexible stables and stall facilities for data collection.

A spacious forest garden with naturally grown trees is available for the animals to run around in.


ÖTZ-Zuchtstandort mit Wald

Foto: Dustin Ebert | ÖTZ 

Two pillars


Bioland e.V. currently has over 8,700 members and works with more than 1,400 partners from the production, trade and food service sectors. Together they shape the future of organic farming in various committees. Through its involvement in politics, the promotion of research and education and the dissemination of sustainable farming methods, Bioland makes a significant contribution to the further development of organic farming.

Demeter e.V. is the oldest organic association in Germany and has stood for biodynamic agriculture since 1924. With a closed ecological circular economy, this form of farming is one of the most sustainable approaches in agriculture. With its high standards, Demeter goes well beyond the EU organic regulation and sets pioneering standards in organic farming.

Stronger united

Cooperating enterprises and organisations

We would like to say thank you!

OUR SUPPORTERS and sponsors